BlackBerry Seating Solutions Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Protecting Your Data

At BlackBerry Seating Solutions, we take your privacy seriously. We are committed to protecting your personal information and respecting privacy laws. This policy explains how we handle your data.

How We Use Your Data

If you share your personal data with us, here’s what we do with it:

  • We use it to answer your questions, process your orders, or give you access to specific services or promotions.
  • We might contact you about your orders or to discuss our products and services.
  • With your permission, we might use your data for market research or to send you offers.

Your Choices

You can choose not to let us use your data for direct marketing or surveys. We respect your choices and will not sell your data to others or share it without your permission, unless with our own group companies.

Limits on Using Your Data

We will only use your personal data for the reasons we told you about, unless:

  • It’s needed for something directly related to why we collected your data.
  • It’s necessary for a contract with you.
  • The law requires it.
  • It’s needed to protect your or our legal rights.
  • It’s necessary to stop fraud or protect our computer systems.

Data Generated by Telecommunications

When you use the internet to visit our site, we might collect data like your IP address, but only if really needed and in line with privacy laws.

Non-Personal Data

When you visit our website, we might automatically collect data that doesn’t personally identify you (like browser type, how many times you visit, how long you stay, etc.). We use this to make our website better and share it with our group companies.


We might store “cookies” on your computer to recognize your computer next time you visit. Cookies help us make our website more relevant to you. If you don’t want cookies, you can set your browser to delete or block them.

Data Security

We use technical and organizational measures to protect your data from loss, change, or unauthorized access.

Links to Other Websites

Our website may have links to other sites. We are not responsible for their privacy practices or content.

Google AdWords

We use Google AdWords Remarketing for online ads. This places a cookie on your computer to show ads based on your visits to our website. The cookie does not identify you or give access to your computer.

Using Your Information

Your information is vital to us. We use it to provide you with better service and information about our products. We will not share your information unless required by law.